Wednesday, January 16, 2008

65 Miles In First Half Of January

I'll bet you can walk more if you can walk at all. I wear a pedometer and some of my walking is incidental to my life. I walk miles a little at a time. I also go out with purpose and walk one, two, or three miles or sometimes less. Soon I hope to walk more than 3 miles in one walk. I wear my pedometer after I wake up, as soon as I put on my pants, 98% of the time. All my walking, incidental or purposeful, during the 1st half (15 days) of January, 2008 totals over 65 miles, which is an average of 4 1/3 miles per day. You can check my totals each day at by clicking on the title of this post. You can also record your walking (or running) miles at Lime. I am walking. You can walk. Please walk today. No matter what.

---'s motto is "healthy living with a twist". I think it's a clever motto and I like keeping track of my miles there. It's part of a bigger program to enlist people to walk as a form of eco-friendly transportation, so they're keeping track of all the miles of everyone who joins that program together as one big total. The program is called Live The Change And Walk It Out! and at this posting all of us together have walked over 16,000 miles. John Lennon sang, "I hope someday you'll join us" and I hope you will. I haven't quite gotten far enough in most cases to replace my car, but soon I'll be walking enough miles to walk down to the store or Fitness Together if I choose. John Lennon also sang, "We're all doin" what we can." I also like's "Rooms" where you see images and listen to music or sounds. The other day I listened forestroom while I was working on the computer and today I tried out floralroom. I find both helpful and so far I prefer forestroom. Try it out by clicking Lime "Rooms".