Friday, February 1, 2008

Getting Naked Gets Attention

Walking is good for a lot of things. (Nakedness comes later.) I remembered just a little while ago how good it is for cooling you down when you get agitated. I was not happy after I found out that I couldn't buy the workbook for my son's French class without buying the textbook, which a friend loaned him. Actually, I could potentially order it online, but he needs it NOW. So I bought the whole deal because the owner of the off campus bookstore refused to break up the set. His reasoning was that the instructor didn't order workbooks separately so why should he? He did give me $10 off because I pointed out that he took in used French books and resold them, so the people buying those would need new workbooks that weren't previously written in. I assume he will make a change next semester and have those available. We'll see. The total was under $200.00! Anyway...

I walked about 3/4 of a mile when I got back to Palomar College before I ended up in the computer room and the walk did cool me down considerably. My son popped in in the middle of this post and I'm completing it from home.

You might be thinking, ok, but what about the nakedness? I'm not walking naked, if that's what you're wondering. I was just trying to get your attention just like got my attention with their email. At first I thought it was spam, but then I saw that it was from the "healthy living with a twist" people. It involves Victoria Beckham and if you're curious, click on the title of this post. She's supporting a cause by getting naked. Please don't peek if you're easily offended. Just move along...nothing to see here.

Two Average Days

Earlier this week I got off to quite a start with two record-setting days in a row. Starting the day before yesterday, I moderated my walking. By comparison to the record-setting pace of Monday and Tuesday, these last two days are average days. BUT, my average days are getting bigger. Both of these "average" days are five miles long. That's almost 20% more walking than my average day of a few weeks ago. Not too shabby.

I am walking. You can walk. Please walk today. No matter what.


Yesterday Big Man Walking had a photo of three friends from my Toastmasters club. A fourth Toastmaster friend, Christine Burke, owner of La Costa Fitness Together, sent me an email that started like this-


I'm thoroughly impressed! Congratulations on finishing the Carlsbad Half-Marathon!

SO, that photo is the finish of 13.1 miles that these women completed together. I'll mention one of them at a time in my posts. The one in the middle wearing 3222 is Linda Bedrosian. If you meet Linda, she will probably tell you how much she has gotten out of Toastmasters in the last few years. She's fun, creative, resilient and kind and she designs and crafts very, very nice jewelry especially for you. Her website is

Visit Linda's site as well as clicking on the title of this post to visit