Monday, August 29, 2011

Down Over 9 Pounds In 8 Days!

I recently had a wonderful experience volunteering at Isagenix Celebration in San Diego with a great group of volunteers.  Additionally, I had two of the best, most positive and supportive supervisors I have ever experienced in my life.  Thank you, Celina and (Uncle) Richard!

After a couple days of soreness I almost drifted back into not-so-positive habits, but as of this morning I have dropped over 9 pounds in the last 8 days.  Thank you, Isagenix, and thank you to all of my fellow volunteers for the encouragement and camaraderie.  

If you volunteered with me, please connect on my Facebook group (where we might kill two birds with one stone) - .  Let's take over the conversation together and encourage one another.

Have a wonderful (be filled with wonder) day!

Keep walking!