Thursday, July 15, 2010

Isagenix IsaLean Chocolate Shake

When I was a kid I remember my mom getting me Instant Breakfast from Carnation, which was the first liquid meal I remember having. I liked the chocolate and probably liked all that sugar, too.

Now I believe a much better choice is Isagenix IsaLean Shake - Natural Creamy Chocolate flavor! I mixed it with room temperature water yesterday and it was pretty good. My wife pronounced it good, which is saying a lot considering she's a big chocolate fan. I've strayed from a regimen more than once because of giving in to some of her chocolate that she has lying around. (To be fair, I've found it when she has hidden it, too.)

Today I used cold water and 1/4 banana in our blender and it mixed up even creamier. I think the lower temperature enhances the flavor. I'm a big guy as you might have guessed since I call my blog "Big Man Walking". That was at 6:30 this morning and I've only had 3 cherries as a mini-snack and plenty of water since then. Most of us don't get enough water and it's important that we do. I find that I like the taste of cold water better than room temperature and I've started to keep a container in the refrigerator as a way to make the experience more pleasant and even practical on a hot July day.

Below are some quotes I found at to motivate and inspire you and me on this journey.

Keep walking!

“The longest journey starts with a single step.”

“The longest journey a man must take is the eighteen inches from his head to his heart.”

“The longest journey of any person is the journey inward.”
Dag Hammarskjold
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