Friday, December 11, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To This Post

This is the time of year that @AvenueZ runs the Virtual Food Drive. I Tweeted more than a few people last year and I might have even annoyed some of them, but it was for a really good cause. This year I'm spreading out my annoyance, er, tweeting and decided to mention the Virtual Food Drive here.

As I was copying and pasting the link I noticed that Beth Ziesenis (she of Avenue Z) had posted about me donating to Ladle Fellowship. I want to take this opportunity to urge you to follow my example and donate to Ladle Fellowship or your favorite "feeding people" charity and tell the Virtual Food Drive what you've done.

Please note that this is not about boasting, but about shining a light on what is possible when we give. My hope and I'm sure that Beth shares this hope is that by seeing what and where people are donating that you readers will donate and/or share the idea with others.

I've included a re-tweet from me and another from Global Patriot that you can send out via Twitter. The first one sends you here to read about this. (For you physics enthusiasts - I do like infinite regression!) Hopefully, following that won't send anyone back in time! Global Patriot's tweet actually sends you to Beth's page where she mentions my donation. Your choice.

Clear as mud? Then just click on the title of this post!

By the way, I don't think I'm actually the Twitter King. Maybe something more like King Ralph, but a little more grey matter! Did I say that out loud?!

At the very bottom of this post is what I've copied and pasted from

Keep walking & Merry Christmas & Happy Hannukah, etc..!

RT Virtual Food Drive! @BigManWalking -Give where U live then register UR pledge! #09VFD

RT @AvenueZ: Virtual Food Drive Donor Spotlight: @BigManWalking - Give where you live then register your pledge! #09VFD

The Twitter King @BigManWalking helped get the Virtual Food Drive off the ground last year, and he’s back with another generous donation (50 pounds) for the Ladle Fellowship. His blog is always worth reading….

Thanks again, Charlie!

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