Friday, October 1, 2010

No Video Yet

I'm not sure how they count video in the "Blog Every Day In A Month" Category, but for today there's no video because I have to get some more technology to upload it from my phone.

Oh, the suspense!

See you tomorrow! :-)

Keep walking!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Les Brown And Me

Motivation and inspiration are really good things!

I saw Les Brown in San Diego with my wife in the last couple weeks and he is as inspirational as ever!

Oh, I forgot to mention...

Yesterday I woke up and weighed in at 245 pounds! That means I have released over 31 pounds in 8 weeks doing what I'm doing!


Here are some inspirational/motivational quotes:

“Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars.”

“You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers.”

“You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.”

“Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.”

“I believe that life is a journey, often difficult and sometimes incredibly cruel, but we are well equipped for it if only we tap into our talents and gifts and allow them to blossom.”

“Honor your commitments with integrity.”

“The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the buts you use today.”

“You cannot be wimpy out there on the dream-seeking trail. Dare to break through barriers, to find your own path.”

“If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.”

“If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.”

“Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality.”

All of these quotes are from Les Brown

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Schedule For My Friends Part 1

Yesterday I had lunch with my friend Jerry at a place we've never eaten before - The Greenery in Encinitas, CA. Not only was it a new experience for us, I don't think I have ever been to a vegetarian raw food place before. It was pretty good and since it was organic, too, it was not cheap.

That's one thing I think a lot of people have to get used to - paying for quality nutrition instead of volume of food. What our bodies really need is the quality nutrition to keep us healthy and surprisingly, satisfied.

Jerry mentioned that what a lot of people need is a system for how they eat and get exercise in order to lose weight. Then they can simply follow the system. I agree. I think one problem that people run into is when they get off the system. The key, I think, is to not beat yourself up. Simply acknowledge that you're not perfect and get back on the system. I won't be focusing on exercise yet.

Here's what I've eaten today and later I'll post Part 2.

1st (optional) I woke up around 5:30 and took the dog for a walk.

5:55 Prepared Isalean Shake in blender with water & then added ice cubes for my wife and me.
6:00 Drank shake with Ageless Essentials (AM) and 1 Tart Cherry Extract Dietary Supplement (for gout).

7:10 1 ounce Cleanse For Life with 8+ ounces of water.
8:35 1 ounce Ionix Supreme with 8+ ounces of water.
9:55 1 Isagenix Snack! with 8+ ounces of water.

For lunch I'll probably have some Mediterranean leftovers from Pita's in San Marcos.

Keep walking!

Friday, August 27, 2010

I Shared On

Recently I've met some great entrepreneurs on the who are not only skilled, but very encouraging people. One of them, Jason Nast, and a partner have created a neat site that has NOTHING to do with making a profit. It's his way of giving back. (If you check him out on Facebook you might figure out what big infomercial he was involved with a few years ago.)

I am asking you to check out his site and send the link to your friends and have them do it with their friends and so on. Really. This is a good thing.

Jason Nast's site is and if you click on the link or the title of this post you will visit MY entry/mini-story about something good that happened to my sister.

Please share your own story and then tell two friends and have them tell two friends and so on and so on and so on. I promise that they aren't selling anything on the site - not even shampoo.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Baby, Baby Let Me Sleep On It

Ever get one of those emails that the person wants you to forward on and you might if it didn't imply that if you don't send it on that you're not a good person or a good christian or a good American or a good whatever?

Sometimes for good measure the person who sent it to you wants you to not only send it on, but to send it back to them?

I hate those.

During the first part of the email they might claim or imply that they respect people with opposing views, but then the wording can change slightly to imply that their view is the only "right" view (or at least the one expressed in the email).

Years ago I sent a message to a person I love very much (and by the way, in case someone is wondering... I personally believe in God, The Holy Spirit, & Jesus AND I not only say the pledge of allegiance regularly at Toastmasters, I occasionally lead the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner - I'm told I have a good voice) asking her to not send me emails like that. Guess what. She still loves me and I even pray for her sometimes. I assume she prays for me, too.

But, in my request I did not imply once that if she did not do as I say that meant she didn't love me. I simply asked her to (send it on, oops, I mean) stop sending messages with those "catches" in it to me. I have never doubted that she loves me - ever. And she sometimes does some things that I really, really disagree with. I have also never doubted that she loves God or the U.S.A. or our troops.

Who decides what the standard is for loving our troops enough? I mean, maybe you don't love the troops enough if you didn't marry one? (I mean, for goodness sake, there are lots of troops to choose from!) Do you not love the troops enough if you vote for the person who didn't serve in the military? What about if you voted for the person who candid people admit sort of half-assed it through school and the military over the one who actually saw action and got a purple heart? Does THAT mean you love the troops less?

What if you vote for the person who helped a weapon system get built over the one who wanted that weapons system killed? What if that weapons system malfunctioned badly and killed our troups in larger numbers than otherwise would have happened with a more effectively designed system?

I don't know how far back problems with U.S. military weapons go, but even Abraham Lincoln said,

"I can make more generals, but horses cost money."

We can get a chuckle out of it, but what does that type of thinking say about the care we take with equipment versus human beings?

Maybe if we defined "love the troops" to mean something DIFFERENT than agreeing with one side of a political debate we would be able to treat each other with more respect and dignity and yes, love.

Now, there is also the last part of the email that really bothers me. Maybe the person who sent it on to me doesn't think about all these issues, but I do. Maybe he doesn't consider them "issues" and we're just supposed to "follow orders" and send it on. Or maybe we have the "choice" to not follow this order, but we all "know what it means" if we don't submit to this "request".

So, let me think about this a (very) little - if I choose NOT to submit to your surveillance of my assigned task - does that mean that I don't love the troops? You see, by asking me to send this back to you in addition to sending the message on, that's what you are doing. Surveilling me. And it's a real word even if spell-check isn't smart enough to understand that.

I want to believe that this person simply didn't think through the implications of what was contained in this email. I certainly hope so. Like the woman I referred to earlier, I pray for this man sometimes. I'm not perfect, so I didn't say "all" the time.

Now the question is - will he still love me (and by love I mean the old-fashioned "Love thy neighbor" kind of love) if I don't send it on? I hope so.

Why the title of this post? Well, I started out thinking I would be clever and borrow a line from Meatloaf's Paradise By The Dashboard Light because I might say something I might still believe but regret (a little) in the morning like Tom Cruise's protagonist in Jerry Maguire, but only the morning will tell me if I should have slept on it.

Instead I guess I just decided to go for it.

Now I'm wondering if those who agree with me will think I wimped out by not going far enough.

Oh well.

Monday, August 23, 2010

What DID I Eat On Saturday?

This post is to finish up my five day record of what I ate while using Isagenix. I know virtually anyone can do this. What I say is "It doesn't take willpower because I'm rarely, if ever, hungry!"

Saturday was a bit of a test because I was away from home up in L.A. at the Ultimate Success Tour and everyone was eating lunch together. For breakfast I had 4 ounces Isagenix Cleanse For Life and right before I left I had 1 ounce Ionix Supreme. I had 4 Isagenix Snacks! at various times during the day. I took Cleanse For Life with me an packed it in ice.

In the future I definitely want to get one container of Cleanse For Life powder and I'm pretty sure that will be easier on the road. I had two more 4 ounce servings of Cleanse For Life at approximately 5 hour intervals and I had some herbal tea at lunch time with one of the Snacks! and plenty of water throughout the day. When I arrived back at home around 9:30 I had my last 4 ounces of Cleanse For Life and about an hour later I had my last ounce of Ionix Supreme with two Natural Accelerator capsules. My ultimate results were in yesterday's post.

We had a fantastic time at Isagenix Celebration today. Details tomorrow!

Keep walking!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What A Great Day!

This morning I weighed in at 252.2 pounds. Because I started using Isagenix when I was 276.2 pounds, that means that I have lost 24 pounds in 41 days!

Then, in the early afternoon, Steve and Sue Landis picked me up and we proceeded to pick up our new team member, Lisa. All four of us went to the Isagenix Celebration in San Diego and it was truly great. Awesome, even.

I'll share more about my Saturday food leading up to today in a later post. I've got to get to bed because I'll be up before six to get ready for the Monday Isagenix Celebration. Click on the title of this post to get a look at what Celebration is about.

Keep walking!

Friday, August 20, 2010

What Did I Eat On Friday?

Today I started what I expect will be a two-day cleanse.

This morning at 6:30 am I had 4 ounces of Isagenix Cleanse For Life and plenty of cold water. An hour later I had one ounce of Ionix Supreme with water (always). About an hour later I had an Isagenix Snack! and then 1/2 hour later I had a strawberry and four grapes that Trader Joe's was sampling out.

At 11 I had 4 more ounces of Cleanse For Life with plenty of water (getting the idea?!). Around 12:30 or so I had an Isagenix Snack! and about an hour after that I had another ounce of Ionix Supreme with water.

After a nap I had 4 ounces of Cleanse For Life with water at 3:15 pm. A little after 5 I had two(!) Isagenix Snacks! with water and then just water for a while. Just a little while ago after 8 pm I had my final 4 ounces of Isagenix Cleanse For Life with probably 14-16 ounces of water.

Anyone who might be reading this and thinking that the writing is kind of boring should know that I'm in the middle of recounting 5 days of what I have been eating.

Anyone who is a little more curious should know that I haven't been and am not now hungry. I will say that it's an interesting sensation to find your stomach empty, but the nutrition in Isagenix does not leave me hungry except once in a great while.

Tomorrow should be another cleanse day and just so you know, you should not do more than two in a row because then your body will start to lose muscle. Right now I'm losing fat and it feels great.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What Am I Eating Thursday? Part II

Today I ended up having zero Isagenix Snacks! and decided to have some of the leftover chicken from yesterday about 12:15. Along with that I also had more of the organic goodies we got from Chocolatree.

This list includes 3 pieces of onion flat bread which goes very well with the cold chicken, which by the way, had no skin. Also 14 or 15 mini-pieces of the Nori snack which is the equivalent of about 2 1/2 of the big ones. I like the mini-Nori better, though I don't think the company recognizes any difference. Maybe there's more cheddar on the little ones? I finished the granola which means I had 3 1/2 ounces and 4 Chia Crackers. For dessert I had the other half of the brownie and it does taste better after you've had a lot of savory flavor. I finished with about 1 1/2 L.O.V.E cups as my son definitely did not like his and gave me half. Again, the antioxidants must be what people like about the cups, and the fact that they are raw, but it just seems like you could get the antioxidants from blueberries or something instead of paying $3 for one of these.

Several hours later I had my Isagenix Isalean Shake and along with the creaminess the ice cubes made it much cooler and that was really welcome because August heat is finally here in Southern California.

Of course I was drinking water throughout the day. Around 8:30 I had an ounce of Isagenix Cleanse For Life and about an hour later I had around 45 or 50 cherries. Now I'm going to finish up with an ounce of Ionix Supreme. It's important to remember that you always want to drink water with the Ionix Supreme and the Cleanse For Life. If you get it in powder form that's obvious, but we prefer liquid and if you drink it straight always follow with 6 or 8 ounces of water at least. My wife likes to mix hers with water so she doesn't even have to think about that.

I want to reiterate that we all need more water than we are probably used to drinking. We need 1/2 ounce of water for every pound we weigh. And that doesn't even count the problem of drinking coffee or diet soda which have diuretic effects. I don't know exactly, but I would imagine that if you drink 16 ounces of coffee that you have to drink at least 16 ounces of water MORE to make up for it. Many people make the mistake of counting their coffee volume as water and that effect can really take a toll over time.

Take it from someone who has had gout. It is definitely not worth it to NOT get enough water for a long period of time. I suspect that the same is true for alcohol consumption. I am not a drinker so I don't have experience here.

One last thing - twice during the day I also took Natural Accelerator to speed up my metabolism with completely natural ingredients. No ma huang, ephedra or caffeine.

You can lose weight and/or get superior nutrition using all natural ingredients. I'm not the only one, but feel free to contact me on Facebook by clicking on the title of this post.

Keep walking!

What Am I Eating Thursday? Part I

At 7 am I had my Chocolate Isalean Shake and at 8:30 I had Isagenix Cleanse For Life.

I decided it was time for Ionix Supreme at 10:45.

I'll probably have an Isagenix Snack! in about an hour.

Keep walking!

What Am I Eating Wednesday? Part IV

If you're looking closely you probably have noticed that I'm actually posting on Thursday. This is true, but this post is about the rest of what I ate Wednesday.

For those of you who might just be finding BigManWalking for the first time:

No I don't think what I eat is that interesting to the whole blogosphere! :-)

During the next few days and for the previous two days I am recording what I eat to show all of you readers that you can do this, too.

Using what I'm using is not a diet. It's truly a lifestyle. If you happen to not stick to it one day, don't beat yourself up. You didn't blow it. Just move on.

What I have found, though, is that it's not a challenge "sticking to it" and only when I CHOOSE to eat more I don't lose weight as fast.

Of course, one habit that I want to stress is drinking more water and I personally think cold water rocks and room temperature water I drink because it's good for me.

Last night around 7:45 I had my final Isagenix Isalean Shake for the day and this time I had no banana and only 1 1/2 scoops. Because I don't want a recurrence of gout I am looking at what my results will be if I lower the amount of shake ingredients over several days. Tomorrow I will start a cleanse for 2 days and there will be no shakes. I also like to add a little more water when I make the shake in addition to ice cubes. I like the volume. Instead of 8 ounces of water I start with 9 or 10 and then 6 or 7 ice cubes. My guess is that's 13-14 ounces of water total after the blender does its thing. When I add the ice cubes AFTER I blend the shake with the initial water I find that the action of the cubes being blended makes the shake much creamier. I'm pretty sure that's how the Isalean Shake is meant to be prepared.

Because the shake has live enzymes, it's important to drink it within 10 minutes to get the highest nutritional benefit. I'm usually done in under two minutes. I really like the chocolate.

About an hour later I had Isagenix Cleanse For Life and about 12 ounces of water as a chaser. Sometimes I like to have more water. Don't feel that you have to have the exact same amount every time, but do drink enough water with whatever you're taking in.

Around 10:00 I had Ionix Supreme and more water. I decided to stay up late and ended up remembering my wife's advice so I had some Bragg's Apple Cider vinegar in water around midnight. Drinking this much water you will probably find that if you weigh yourself before bed and then again when you wake up, the difference could be 2-3 pounds or more.

It's important to not be bothered by short-term fluctuations of a few pounds in weight. You might not have eliminated everything you've consumed and other times you might be retaining water. If you are exercising enough you could also find that you are putting on muscle, which is denser than fat, so the same volume of flesh weighs more.

Back in a couple hours with What Am I Eating Thursday? Part I.

Keep walking!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What Am I Eating Wednesday? Part III

Earlier today I had an appointment with my pastor (one of the pastors at Solana Beach Presbyterian Church), Josh Kerkhoff, and we talked about our upcoming All Church Retreat and what I'm going to say during services on the 29th. This post isn't really about that conversation, though I always enjoy conversations with Pastor Josh. (I know in Southern California especially, we tend to call people by first names and I'm generally just fine with that, but Josh is an ordained minister of the Word and Sacrament and I actually consider that a pretty big deal. What I have heard is that if you can do what you feel called to do without being ordained, then don't become ordained. I guess that's why I'm not ordained!)

Because I knew that Josh and I would probably talk for an hour and possibly more, and factoring in the drive time, I decided to have an Isagenix IsaSnack! at 1:00 before I left. These little babies are amazing. They are little "discs" I guess you'd say. Marianne and I have not considered getting vanilla because the other flavor is chocolate. I guess once in a great while I might have vanilla for a change of pace, but for now it's all chocolate when it comes to these snacks. Chew it up and you start to salivate and it sort of tastes like brownie batter (though not excessively sweet) and I am absolutely blown away by these little snacks. You can really take the place of another snack that you might have and be truly satisfied with these 35 calories. Make sure to have about 8 ounces of cold water to wash it down after you've savored the flavor. IsaSnacks! are great for that afternoon moment when you might eat too many calories of something that's not that good for you (or even terrible for you!) and you're not hungry 20 minutes later, either.

Our son prefers vanilla flavor in his shakes, so we may have to break down and order the vanilla in September. Does anyone reading this prefer vanilla to chocolate? I guess if you have severe gout sensitivity or you're actually experiencing full-blown gout you might want to stay away from anything chocolate just in case, according to what I've read. But staying away from something like coffee is much more important than staying away from a little natural chocolate.

When I got back from my meeting, my honey started some Trader Joe's Natural Chicken Breast in olive oil with turmeric. I finished cooking it and added some mustard (don't tell her!) and then put the other two pieces in the refrigerator after she left for the Meatloaf concert with her sister and brother-in-law at Humphrey's.

We also received a shipment today from a place we decided to try after she got back from Arizona recently. While she was only in Sedona for a day with her teacher friends during this quick road trip, she decided to eat two meals at ChocolaTree Cafe. It's a vegetarian and vegan restaurant/store and you can check out the store here.

So, along with the chicken breast I had an organic feast for one. I had 4 pieces of onion flat bread, 2 large Nori Nachos, 3 1/2 Chia Crackers, 3 1/2 ounces of Apple Honey Crunchy Granola, 1/2 Chocolate Pecan brownie and 1 Dark Cacao L.O.V.E. Cup.

My favorites are the Chia Crackers, Apple Honey Crunch granola and the onion flat bread. The Chia Crackers and the onion flat bread are savory and I only recommend the onion flat bread if you like onion because some might consider the onion flavor heavy. But, I'm alone tonight so I'm the only one who will be subject to the effects! I would give the Chia Crackers an 8.2 out of 10, the granola a 7.7 and the onion flat bread a 7.6 - unless you don't want your onion flavor that strong.

Though Marianne had a memory of the fantastic flavor of Nori Nachos, she thinks the ones she had in the restaurant were different somehow. I would have to say that these are a 6.5 if you like seaweed, but more like a 3 if you don't. I'm somewhere in the middle and I have learned in the last couple of decades that sometimes we need to eat certain foods simply because it's good for you and not because it tastes good.

If you've never had organic or natural (also read: less sweet) chocolate, you could be disappointed by the "small" level of sweetness in any of the sweet items. If you're ready to improve your diet and give up processed sugar, the granola will have a bigger impact on your taste buds. Both chocolate items are even less sweet than some other natural chocolate products I've had, though to be fair, I can't think of what those are right now. I guess I'd give the brownie a 5.8 and the L.O.V.E. cup a 5. Again, if you're used to typical chocolate and haven't given up processed sugar, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't rate them that high. However, if you are a big DARK chocolate lover and you don't mind the relatively low sweetness, the L.O.V.E. cup might be right up your alley.

L.O.V.E. stands for Live Organic Vegan Euphoria and it's $3.00 for a 1 ounce cup. It's anti-oxidant rich, low glycemic & gluten free with 77% cacao. And they are RAW. If that's your cup of tea (no pun intended), the L.O.V.E. cup is probably worth it to you. I'll admit that Marianne and I kind of got caught up in the moment and the memory of her fun & delicious time in Sedona and the Grand Canyon area. We might try one of the other cup flavors again, but I think we'll have to go without processed sugar or even stevia for a much longer time before we're able to appreciate the subtle sweetness of these, especially given the price. Almost forgot, the L.O.V.E. cups were made by a business right next door -

While I drink water about every hour or so, I'm told that the human liver can make use of 4 ounces every 20 minutes and our kidneys can handle just about as much as we want to drink. Time for another drink of water.

Keep walking!

What Am I Eating Wednesday? Part II

I was overdue for Ionix Supreme at 10:00 am and as always, at least 6-8 ounces of cold water with one ounce of Ionix Supreme. My son and I both like to drink it straight and follow with the water. You might be more like my wife, Marianne, who mixes it with the water. She finds it a little "spicy".

As it heats up I like to make sure I'm getting enough water. Did you know that you should have at least one ounce of water for every ounce of weight every day? When I started releasing weight on Isagenix that meant 138 ounces of water each day. That's more than a gallon! Also, it's my understanding that coffee actually takes water OUT of your body. So I would drink more water if you're drinking coffee. This is also true for diet soda. I learned the hard way when I was diagnosed with gout earlier this year.

At 11:15 I had my first ounce of Isagenix Cleanse For Life and this time I had 12 ounces of cold water as a chaser.

It's not yet noon and it continues to get hotter here. Make sure you drink enough water!

Keep walking!

What Am I Eating Wednesday? Part I

For those of you who are frequent scale watchers I expect to weigh myself this weekend - probably Sunday morning.

This morning we slept a little later as we're coming to the end of Marianne's summer vacation.

At 7:45 I had an Isagenix Isalean Shake with nothing added except water and ice cubes. It's pretty amazing how creamy it can get when you add the ice cubes in the blender.

At 9:20 I consumed 17 cherries and soon I'll have Ionix Supreme with more cold water.

Yesterday it seemed that August heat had finally arrived. It already seems hot today. This will be a test for me as I acquired an odd habit years ago. In the past I have tended to eat more when I feel the impact of the heat. I hope and expect that Isagenix will continue to keep me satisfied.

Keep walking!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Am I Eating Today? Part VI-IX

At 4:20 I had 7 cherries and then my wife reminded me to have some organic apple cider vinegar with water as a precautionary measure against recurrence of gout. This is not something that's part of Isagenix, it's just that I'm doing more than losing weight. I figure better safe than sorry.

Around 5:45 I had another ounce of Isagenix Cleanse For Life with 8 ounces of cold water.

An hour later I had my 2nd Isagenix Isalean Shake for the day, but this time with no banana. I also had some extra water and took a cherry extract pill and 1 Gout Control capsule. Again, the last two items are not part of Isagenix and I believe they have a negligible effect on weight loss.

Marianne and I went to see Eat Pray Love and got home less than 20 minutes ago. I had my 2nd ounce of Isagenix Ionix Supreme and more cold water.

I think it's time for bed.

Keep walking!

What Am I Eating Today? Part V

After picking up my wife in Dana Point we went south to Carlsbad and Souplantation. I checked the online menu and found that the salad that I always eat is called Wonton Chicken Happiness. I had a heaping plate of that with a little chopped radish, zucchini, squash and red cabbage as well as a couple scoops of sunflower seeds. After that I had three bowls (not full to the brim) of Tomato Basil soup with the croutons that came with it.

Lunch was over and we were getting in the car @ 2:40 when Sue Landis called and I was doing business while my wife drove the rest of the way home.

Keep walking!

What Am I Eating Today? Part IV

Not sure why the message from my phone turned into two messages of what I call "Space Egyptian", but here's what it should have said:

Waiting for my honey @ Dana Point. She'll be returning from her sister's on Catalina Island.

Most recent eating update - 11:45 am 1 ISAGENIX IsaSnacks! & 12 oz cold water.

Marianne just called to say the boat is a little late - they're whale watching!
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What Am I Eating Today? Part III

At 9:20 I had 1 ounce of Isagenix Cleanse For Life and 8 ounces of cold water.

I am still amazed that I am rarely ever hungry using Isagenix.

Keep walking!

What Am I Eating Today? Part II

At 8:10 I had 1 ounce of Ionix Supreme and 8 ounces of cold water.

Keep walking!

What Am I Eating Today? Part I

In an attempt to allow you to see that you can do what I am doing, today (and possibly the next few days) I am sharing what I eat.

Breakfast 7:15

1/2 banana blended with 2 scoops Isagenix Isalean Shake, water and ice cubes.

I was making shakes with cold water and that was good, but I discovered that
the official recommendation of adding ice cubes is better (because the shake
is creamier).

More later.

Keep walking!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Do You Ever Get Tired Of Playing Phone Tag?

Today EzineArticles went live with my new article,

"Meet Me at Starbucks Sometime Tomorrow Afternoon"

and I highly recommend that you read it if you want to make better use of your time. The author has lots and lots of experience with phone tag! ;-)

Keep walking!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Released Over 22 Pounds In 29 Days!

Facebook friends are nice to have, especially when you develop the relationship by connecting in person or on the phone. Yesterday I finally got to talk to Valerie Rene Sheppard after being connected on Facebook for a little while. She is an encouraging person with a lot of experience coaching. I would check her out if I were you.

Connecting with someone like Valerie isn't just "nice", it's productive. I commented on her Facebook profile and she reminded me that she and others are waiting to hear about my weight loss progress. If you want to find out HOW I'm doing it, you can read previous posts (not necessarily yesterday's).

Here are some facts:

-My scale read 254.0 this morning versus 276.2 when I started 29 days ago.

-I've only been hungry twice and neither of those times have rated more than a
5 out 10 on my hungriness (dictionary, please!) scale. Once was when we had
done a lot of walking with a friend at SDSU and the time between breakfast and
lunch was nearly 7 hours with only a mini-mini snack in between (3 cherries).

-I gave up coffee more than a month ago and I'm not tired!

-I conquered what I call a level two gout warning last week when we were
celebrating (too much - skip the pulled pork, pita chips and what do you call
those things...cream puffs, riiiight) with that friend and his family before
he went back to Michigan to profess about Sociology.

-I have better sleep overall except when I'm awake and excited about being
so close to a weight that I haven't seen in at least 14 years.

-My body fat read 35.1% and that's a big improvement over the 40% area I was
at when I started less than a month ago.

Woot! There it is!

Keep walking!

Monday, August 9, 2010

My Influence Project Email

Hello Justin! Happy August! I created this little message - will you play with us? :-)

(even if you think you've seen the first part before)

I'm really enthused about two things I saw this weekend.

First - The Influence Project (This could be really big.)

Here's how it works - you click on The Fast Company Link & it records whether I got a click to my Fast Company Link.

It measures the influence of you and me relative to the tens of thousands of other people participating online. It's fairly quick.

This could be also - a way to help someone we or you or I believe in. To support them in their cause. To get their cause publicity!

So - would you take a leap of faith and click on My Fast Company Link right now, because it will become more obvious as you learn by doing.

The 2nd thing? (This could be even BIGGER.) Well, because I am about building relationships online and offline to help us move forward with our projects (yours and mine) I look for better and better ways to do that. I learned about this 21 yr old named Justin Sachs who is doing amazing things. And at his gathering yesterday we learned about The Contribution Game from his friend Darren.

Ready for the question?

What is the best way for me to contribute to your life?

That's what I'm asking right now.

Have a wonderful week!

Take care,

Charlie Hicks-Moore
"Dr. Network is Back!"

P.S. If you choose not to click the link, would you send this message on to some people who you think might want to play? :-)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Dr. Christine Eros Told Me About Gout And Isagenix

The people I have met in Isagenix are among the most helpful and most fun that I've ever met. Last night I called Dr. Christine Eros to ask her about Isagenix and gout and she had never even heard of the woman who referred me to her. Yet SHE CALLED ME tonight and I had expected to be the one to call her back.

She gives a talk on medical topics once a month including her knowledge and experience related to Isagenix. Dr. Eros is very happy to have me bring people to her talks and I am definitely going to take her up on it. She's part of Metro Family Physicians in San Diego.

What she reminded me about is that many gout sufferers should use 1 scoop of Isagenix shake instead of 2. That makes sense to me as this is the highest quality whey protein that you are likely to find on this planet. So I guess that means that you need less of it if you have gout. Apparently the 1 scoop rule is also true if you have insulin-dependent diabetes.

If you are the kind of person who just wants to buy a product and then use it however you want, you are missing out without extra bits of knowledge like this. It reminds me of what I have seen on labels over the years: Use as directed.

Tomorrow my shakes get smaller. If you're paying attention you DO learn something new every day.

Keep walking!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Do Have To Watch Out For Gout

Last night I got a little too enthusiastic with all the mixing of problem foods. Probably would have been just fine without the cream puffs. This morning I got what I call a stage two warning of a gout outbreak if I continued down this path. My right ankle/achilles tendon area started to stiffen up. I don't know if there is a stage three warning or if the next stage is actual gout, but I do know I don't want it.

In addition, I felt a little sluggish this morning. I got right back into my normal Isagenix routine and now as I look back on my day I didn't have any meat or poultry or fish. Some reading this may be amazed that you can go without that protein and I'm not a vegetarian by any means, but you really can go a couple days at least without any meat, poultry or fish unless you have a particular problem which means you must eat those. My dad had that for the last couple years of his life, but he had messed up his insides pretty good.

This afternoon I got most of my energy back that I feel on Isagenix and I expect tomorrow to be back to this "new normal". What DID I have besides Isagenix foods? Pineapple and cherries (separately). Again, I didn't feel hunger pangs all day. That makes only twice in 25 days I've felt hunger pangs. Once, which I recounted in an earlier post, it was a 5 out of 10. The other was barely worth mentioning at 3 out of 10. This is good stuff!

Keep walking!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Party With Friends Before They Go Home

We had a nice time with good friends from high school and several family members of one of my friends. I "took the night off" and ate stuff I haven't had in a while. And it's fine with Isagenix - just don't do it everyday.

What was my menu? Pita chips with hummus, honey peanuts, pulled pork with barbecue sauce, cole slaw and did I mention pita chips and more pulled pork and hummus and oh, yeah...several cream puffs. I know I won't lose weight today. I'm good. I'll have some more Isagenix Cleanse For Life before I go to bed and back to a more normal day tomorrow. Your friends don't leave for Michigan everyday, you know. I love the latitude with Isagenix!

Keep walking!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm Officially Impressed

Marianne and I got to look at a few houses today with our awesome realtor, David Diehl (you can't have him...he's...busy...yeah...that's it) and on the way to our last house he stopped in at Sub-Marina in San Marcos. Of course, I got my favorite on rye. (Check the link for my review.)

Because I've done a good job on Isagenix I rewarded myself with one of my favorite lunches. I've had even better success than I expected because I started out slowly on purpose. I didn't want to have a recurrence of gout and after nearly three weeks of no problemo I decided to do the 2-day cleanse. (When you check out Isagenix products yourself it's important to NOT do more than 2 cleanse days in a row because you will start to lose muscle as well as fat.)

So, this morning when I stepped on the scale it read 259.2 lbs! That means that in 22 days I have lost 17 lbs. using Isagenix Isalean shakes and other wholesome products. This is not a diet. It is a lifestyle. Tomorrow night I will have pizza with friends before one of them goes back to Michigan to teach Sociology. I am getting healthier and I have a real life. I love this stuff! There you have it.

Keep walking!

Monday, August 2, 2010

How Much Weight In How Many Days?

Yesterday I started my first cleanse day after nearly 3 weeks of shake days. I was more conservative about this decision because of my recent battle with gout. I guess I didn't really need to worry.

My scale read 263.4 lbs. early today. That means I'm down 12.8 lbs. - nearly 13 lbs. - in 21 days. I am loving this new way of eating!

If you're curious, you can watch 100/200/300 Pound Club, Doctors, Cleansed for Life, Product Stories or Are You Toxic at If you're more than curious you can contact me on Facebook by clicking on the title of this post or you can click on the link -BigManWalking's Isagenix- in the upper right of this page. I keep finding new benefits all the time. I'll bet you will, too.

Keep walking!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

How Long Without Coffee?

One thing I have noticed that so many people take for granted is drinking coffee. After church on Sunday mornings we have coffee and donuts laid out at Solana Beach Presbyterian Church. I'll bet this is true for most churches. I've attended morning Toastmasters meetings and coffee is usually there. The same thing goes for networking groups and early morning meetings at workplaces. Many of you probably have had coffee available in a break room all day long at one job or another.

For the longest time I didn't drink coffee as I had never switched from diet soda. About a year ago I made the switch. It was gradual. I have probably had a couple diet sodas in the last few months. I thought I was doing great by switching to coffee and I do believe it's better than diet soda. (Ever notice that diet sodas can have zero carbohydrates, zero fat and zero protein? What's left then? Chemicals?) But maybe it's not as good as some people think. Most of what I have read about gout tells me it's not good for dealing with that, so I knew eventually I would have to at least restrict it on a permanent basis.

On Friday, July 9, 2010 I had my most recent cup of coffee. I had two days of "nice size" headaches and got extra rest that weekend. Monday and Tuesday the headaches were smaller and Monday morning around 9:30 my Isagenix arrived. I have been using Isagenix products ever since and I was talking with Sue, my sponsor, yesterday on the drive home from our party/training in Menifee when I mentioned to her that I don't pine for my Organic Bolivian anymore. I don't feel extra tired because I'm not having coffee. To me, that's pretty incredible.

So it turns out that I don't need the coffee to function as I had come to believe. Four days of headaches and getting some new, pure food in the form or shakes, capsules and such and I don't feel the tiredness many people associate with not having coffee.

A couple years ago I went without caffeine for 152 days, give or take a day or two. My friend Christine Burke, a super personal trainer, would always ask me how it was going. I would tell her I was still not doing caffeine and I was always tired. So again, for me to have the energy that I have had is amazing. I've been down this road before and last time it wasn't as fun.

Below you'll see that I copied the message/post that I texted from my Father's Day present to my blog on July 9 and the short "apology" to Sue Landis. You can also scroll back to the post of that day.

One more thing. Just from not drinking coffee I am saving $45 to $50 a month NOT counting gas to drive to my favorite coffee hangout. How much money would you save by not drinking coffee?

When will you be ready to make the change?

Friday, July 9, 2010
Marianne & I are getting my last Bolivian Organic for a good long while. No coffee tomorrow, Sue :-)

Keep walking!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

What A Great Spread At Rocky's

We've been having fun in my Isagenix group ever since I started a few weeks ago. Today we had training at Rocky's in Menifee and I've included some pictures. The food you see is the leftovers from what we had today!  Excellent Quality.  Some of the best cherries I've ever had!  Thank you, Rocky and Donna!

Sue, Mary Kay and I have spoken on three-way calls before, but today I met Mary Kay in person.  Sue Landis is on the left.  Thanks for the book, Mary Kay!  Thanks for the rides, Sue!

This is Cody, a chiropractor who uses and recommends Isagenix products.  I get the sense that he really cares about his patients and their whole health situation.

Jeanine, Mary Kay and a much healthier Donovan Meyers who has lost over 145 pounds and finally got to skydive!  Thanks for the ride this morning, Jeanine!

One of Rocky's and Donna's fountains.  Nice.

Join us to get healthy, have fun and build residual income!  Happy Saturday!

What Happened To My Foot And Toe?

Some of you have already seen the next post and you are wondering "what in the world?" did I do to my toe?

A little over 4 months ago I thought that I might have an ingrown toenail. I went to our medical group in Encinitas and Amber, a physician's assistant, told me that it was infected and she said if it kept giving me problems after the antibiotic had done its work that she could cut it off for me.

One antibiotic become two and then three and four - a couple of them I had more than once. A funny thing happened somewhere between the first and third antibiotics. Another doctor or physician's assistant (I forget which) diagnosed me with gout. Another complicating factor along the way was my left knee, which I finally found out yesterday has arthritis.

Once I got the gout diagnosis for my foot (NOT what you see pictured in the previous post), the doctor decided that my toe was gout, too. I figured that I was not the doctor, so what did I know?

We battled the gout attacks (at least 4 in 5 weeks) and then I was given allopurinol. My osteopath told me that I would have to take it for a year or possibly the rest of my life. That was pretty scary to me. I took it for two days and had a scary allergic reaction of what looked like a double case of gout on my CHEST! It went away by itself after a few hours, but the doctor told me to stop taking it for a week.

During this break in the medication I was determined to not have to go back to something I had to take for either a year or the rest of my life. I was not happy with possible long-term side effects to my liver or kidneys or who-knows-what-else. I found and got ahold of a product called Gout Control. I started taking it and got some pretty good results. My gout seemed to be at bay, but I was taking what I thought was the maximum for my size - 5 capsules a day.

What I like about Gout Control is that it seems to be made of natural ingredients. What had me wondering was the tingling I kept feeling which through experience I have come to call "pre-gout" warning. After having full-blown gout I was grateful that I mostly felt that feeling when at the end of the day and then in bed. Compared to gout itself, this little tingling was almost nothing and I am sure everyone who has gout would gladly trade it for this feeling in their foot.

About that time my old friend, Sue Landis, called to tell me about this awesome product line she for which she had become a consultant. Not too many days later I become a consultant with that same company, Isagenix, and now those pre-gout feelings are rare AND I've lost some weight and expect that my weight loss will continue. I love Isagenix! I'm even going to Menifee, California today to visit the home of Rocky, who has made over a million dollars in Isagenix through 5 years of effort. Now that I'm a consultant with Isagenix I look forward to learning more about the company and the product line and so far, my training has been fun!

"What does all this have to do with your toe, Charlie?" you might be asking. Because developing gout shifted the thinking of the medical team, they seemed to see all the symptoms as related to gout. So they started to see my gout as the priority and decided that my toe was gout, too. I don't think that their assumptions were ridiculous - just unfortunate. To be fair, Dr. Duck (his real name) was the one who kept seeing my toe as infected and finally (when he got to see me) told me that it absolutely was infected.

What was the problem? Because my ingrown toenail was infected and for a while a few of these medical professionals thought it was gout, it got worse when I wasn't taking antibiotics. To be completely fair, I definitely should not have let my sweet, seemingly sympathetic doggie lick my toe. Dr. Duck laughed (in disgust?) when he heard that and told me that that had to stop.

As the gout problem lessened, the toe problem had gotten worse before Dr. Duck made his diagnosis. While I had full-blown gout I learned a new level of pain. I remembered the scene from "Return of the Jedi" with C-3PO translating for Jabba the Hut:

C-3PO: His high exaltedness, the Great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately.

Han Solo: Good, I hate long waits.

C-3PO: You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea, and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlaac.

Han Solo: Doesn't sound so bad.

C-3PO: In his belly you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a thousand years.

Han Solo: On second thought, let's pass on that, huh?

So I was thinking that this level of pain was not something to be worried about if it was connected to gout (though I definitely wanted to modify my behavior to get rid of it). However, if this extreme pain was an infection, this could turn into something really serious. As I mentioned earlier, Dr. Duck saved the day with his diagnosis and prescription. Yet he reminded me as Amber had done months before about the possibility of needing to cut off my toenail. He also had me soak my toe in epsom salts (as Amber had done, to her credit).

Dr. Duck let me get a double-dose (timewise) of the antibiotic and then gave me a more powerful antibiotic and almost all the pain went away, but it still looked bad. So he referred me to Dr. Dustin's office in Encinitas.

When my wife and I arrived we thought there would be an examination and maybe a determination to do something at a later date. Boy, were we surprised! Our specialist took one look at my toe and said he would have to cut off my toenail and he would do it within minutes. I immediately adjusted my thinking as did Marianne, my wife. Soon he gave me two very quick shots of painkiller in my toe and 10 minutes or so later he was removing my toenail while I read Time magazine and we had intermittent casual conversation.

One good thing about Time is the size. When I opened it fully to read, it blocked my view of my toe and his work. (Helpful tip, Egon. Thanks.) This very experienced specialist was slightly taken aback by the odor of what was under my toenail, but recovered instantly to dig all the crud (technical jargon) out of my toe. I only felt pressure while he was working on me. Just barely a hint of something at the very end and then the toe started to wake up as he was wrapping it up. He said it would hurt the most right after the procedure and he was right.

Another thing he said is a little sad. Certainly not the end of the world, but my toenail may or may not grow back. I still have it wrapped and changed the dressing every day. He'll see me in a week.

Of course I didn't fully tell you about my knee, which I got a call from Dr. Duck's office about yesterday. Apparently that was at least tangentially related to gout because I've got a form of arthritis in the left knee. I'll find out more next week at the orthopedist.

Again, don't let your dog lick your toe.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Don't Look At The Second Picture - Explanation To Follow!

Remember - If you look at the second picture - don't say that I didn't warn you!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

15 Days Almost Equals 12 Pounds Down!

This morning I knew it was going to be a good experience when I stepped on the scale, but it exceeded my expectations. I haven't been perfect in the last couple of weeks on Isagenix system, so to lose this much weight this fast has been amazing to me. I purposely haven't done everything exactly the way Isagenix lays it out because I've been concerned about losing too much weight too fast and upsetting the balance in my body. When you have had one gout attack it really gets your attention. When you have 4 or more in just over a month? That's REAL behavior modification!

So I have had more calories than recommended in most of my meals during this time and still I get these great results. I love Isagenix! Thank you, Sue Landis, for coming back into my life and explaining this in a way that helped me understand that Isagenix isn't a diet.

Here is what I saw on the scale this morning:

264.4 pounds

This means I have lost 11.8 pounds in 15 days.

37.5% body fat - a new low during the 15 days.

52.3% water content

The last figure means that it's fair to say that I haven't been losing only water as that percentage has consistently risen.

High Five!

Have a great day! I am. :-)

Keep walking!

Monday, July 26, 2010

How Well Are You Sleeping?

A couple weeks ago I posted I Slept 6 Hours Straight! and last night I surpassed it by sleeping just barely less than 7 hours straight. When I say 7 hours straight I mean that I have no memory of even waking up briefly and rolling over. To me - THAT is REALLY sound sleep. I woke up at 6:18 and I'm sure you can do the math.

Some of you younger readers have no idea what I'm excited about. You sleep well most nights and take it for granted. If you treat your body extremely well or if you have some random miracle factor or both, maybe you won't have a problem sleeping without interruption virtually all the time until you're 75, but that's not true for most of us.

How are YOU sleeping? Are you waking up several times a night? Let me know by making a comment.

Keep walking!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'll Tell You What You Can Do With Your Zucchini

Way back in the 1970s my mom used to make me a vegetable plate including things like raw zucchini & raw cauliflower. Now I have fond memories of eating raw vegetables. So I say: find a way to make raw vegetables for your children and chances are they will (at some point) have happy memories of eating vegetables.

Since I was first diagnosed with gout I've been searching for new ways to make non-meats interesting. I remembered that I also used to have Mrs. Dash on my zucchini instead of salt and I learned to like that combination, too. I really started eating more salt because of my wife who loves it. She recently found out that she should cut down so we are back where I started.

There was no Mrs. Dash in the house and I was hungry so I got one of the organic zucchinis from Trader Joe's and added turmeric, cumin and cinnamon and about a dozen and a half Trader Joe's cashews. Because I haven't used the cinnamon in a while I forgot how fast it comes out. I guess the cinnamon was about 50% of the spice mixture, turmeric 35% and cumin 15%. I sliced the zucchini thinly and I would guess there were 40 pieces. I ate it with my fingers and it was good. Gently spiced. How much? A pinch or two, I guess, as I didn't measure. You can experiment just like I did. I originally planned on adding cayenne pepper and couldn't find it. So it had less kick than I'm used to, but good all the same. I really think I can taste the difference using organic zucchini and the cashews are a personal favorite.

If you really like cashews, try eating four slices with a cashew a couple times, then 3 slices, then 2, then 1 and eventually you should be eating 2 cashews with one zucchini slice for your last 4 or 5 slices. That was lunch - along with one Isagenix Natural Accelerator. Keep in mind that I'm a big man and I'm satisfied because of being on Isagenix products. In a couple hours I'll have a shake and tomorrow or the next day I expect that I will be at my lowest weight since I started almost two weeks ago.

And THAT'S what you can do with your zucchini!

Click on the title of this post to visit Trader Joe's.

Keep walking!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Marianne Feels Better This Afternoon

My wife had some trouble with her back and today we went to Dr. Jocelyn Laraine-Kleeb in Carlsbad. I think network spinal analysis is the most wonderful kind of chiropractic. It's so gentle and so is Jocelyn. She let me wait in a zero-gravity chair while she worked on Marianne and her home office is so relaxing. I would have fallen asleep waiting if I wasn't reading the web. I highly recommend Dr. Jocelyn Laraine-Kleeb and network spinal analysis. Click on the title of this post to see the list of USA practitioners. Jocelyn is listed alphabetically in the California section.
FYI- Jocelyn's aunt is in the Isagenix business as well as a couple of her clients and I told Jocelyn she should talk to her aunt about Isagenix. Lots of people are doing it!

Keep walking!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ate At Lou And Mickey's And STILL Lost Weight

Yesterday I was at the San Diego Comic-Con with my son, Stuart, and his friend Dan. I'll give more details about Comic-Con in another post, but it was fun. I started the day with Isagenix Cleanse For Life and then a little later I had my Isagenix Isalean Chocolate Shake mixed with a banana. I had one Isagenix Snacks! (Chocolate) a couple hours later and I wasn't really hungry when Stuart texted me near the end of Danny Elfman's panel.

One thing that stuck with me from Danny Elfman's question and answer session is this:

Deadlines Have Value

He said that if it weren't for deadlines he would still be working on the soundtrack to "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" which came out in 1985!

After Stuart and Dan found me outside Room 6 near Mrs. Field's cookies (which didn't even tempt me - thanks, Isagenix!) we walked out into the sunlight and into the Gaslamp District where we sat down at Lou & Mickey's for lunch. My niece, Samantha, used to work here and both the hostess remembered her and Brady, our server, did as well. I hadn't counted on an appetizer, but Stuart ordered the cheese with marinara sauce and it looked a little odd and a little big when it came because it didn't match the mental picture of cheese sticks that I had previously enjoyed. Lou & Mickey's version of what amounts to fried cheese has the cheese inside a small loaf. At least that's the way it appeared to me - and it was delicious! I had chicken caesar salad and you could really taste how good the chicken was. I realized when I started on the salad that I could probably get by with a quarter of it. I decided to enjoy it all as my dinner was going to be an Isagenix shake. I just started on the two-shake regimen a couple days ago. I guess you could say that I worked my way up to it from my one-shake-a-day first week or so and I'm pretty amazed that I can curb my hunger no problem. (Maybe giving up coffee helps with that?)

About 5:30 I had Isagenix Want More Energy? powder mixed with water. We walked a lot yesterday as the San Diego Convention Center is a big place, especially when you walk through the Marriot, too. After we took the trolley back to Old Town I drove us home and somewhere on the trip home I realized that it had been a long day and with the lost sleep recently from our heat wave (I know that some of you don't think 90+ is a big deal, but it makes it tough for me to sleep.), I was just about ready for bed when we got home a little after 8.

That's when I had my 2nd shake of the day and put bedding together for our sister-in-law and her youngest son who were to spend the night on the floor sharing our room. She had been pretty sick earlier and I said a prayer that this would all be all right, and after finishing what little I had to do I laid down and fell asleep a little before 9! I slept 11 hours and that's the first time in a LONG time that I've done that. I did wake up a few times, but I rolled right over and went back to sleep. Some people forget the value of good sleep. Rather, some people if they aren't sleeping well and they try something like Isagenix or meditation or prayer or more exercise or WHATEVER gets them the SLEEP results they want, they tend to forget to give their strategy credit weeks or months later when they are sleeping well on a regular basis. It seems like the new normal or even like it's always been that way and when they view it that way they often feel like they can stop using the strategy (or tactics, for you military sticklers) that got them to this new and better place. I've seen that in personal development, too. But, I'm not going to do that. There's a reason Isagenix calls their product Isagenix Cleanse For Life.

Long story short (TOO LATE!), I got on the scale this morning and found out that even after that luxurious lunch at Lou & Mickey's, I'm down to 267.4 pounds. That means I'm down 8.8 pounds in 11 days!

Keep walking!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dropped Almost 8 Pounds In 10 Days

When I got on the scale a few minutes ago I found that I have lost more weight. Today I'm 268.6, which means I am down almost 8 pounds (7.6 to be exact) in 10 days! My Isagenix link is in the upper right of BigManWalking. I'll be at the San Diego Comic-Con today.

Keep walking!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Progress Better Than Expected

On Monday a friend visited and we took the day and enjoyed it with him. We ended up eating out twice and I ended up eating more than I might have.

After meeting at Barnes and Noble and then dropping his car off we drove down to San Diego State, where he, my wife and I took classes. While we are still here in the place where we grew up, my professor friend went on to finish his master's degree and he's now teaching sociology at St. Clair Community College in Michigan. First he wanted to visit some former colleagues and if you've ever been to SDSU you know that if you are going anywhere on campus and then in the neighborhood, you are likely walking at least two miles round-trip. (Walking is good!)

Our first stop for food was the 4.0 Deli and I had avocado, turkey and cheese with bacon. This was the first bacon I had in a long time and thankfully, no gout outbreak. It was good. Reeeally good. I wish 4.0 was near my house. (Or maybe not!)

Later we checked in at home and walked the dog and double-checked with friends in San Clemente. We met them at their home and after some conversation we went to Bad To The Bone and I ate more than I have for quite a while. While I'm using Isagenix IsaLean Shakes and other products I simply find that I'm not that hungry. Earlier in the day I was hungry finally for lunch at 1:15 after having a shake around 6:30 am. I actually found myself choosing to eat the whole chicken breast with cheese and tiny pieces of bacon. When I say a whole chicken breast, I mean it. It was sliced and laid out like a big steak. Along with it I had onion rings and sweet potato fries. So I really ate on Monday even though I could have eaten the fries and put everything else in a bag to go. I guess I was testing Isagenix a little. (By the way, I don't recommend this behavior, I'm simply telling the truth about what went on.) Yes. It was yummy.

Yesterday I had a shake and I did the same sort of thing a couple hours later. Again - telling the truth. I am a little sad to say that I had the rest of my son's pancakes as he didn't want them. Later I went to Souplantation with my friend Mary and I didn't overeat by my standards. Soup and salad only. Technically, soup and salad and more soup was what I had. I had an Isagenix snack a little before 4 and wasn't that hungry so I decided to try another shake. This was my first time having two shakes in one day. What I haven't said yet is that not long after having the Isagenix snack I weighed myself and even knowing it wasn't going to be good, I was disappointed when I compared this to past experience.

As I looked down at those numbers I was thinking, "OK. I've still lost weight over the entire time I've been on this, but will it be Saturday before I get back to where I was with my weight?" I know this works in the long run, but I was questioning my short-term judgement.

This morning I had a pleasant surprise when I stepped on the scale - I'm down to my lowest (or best) since I have been on Isagenix on all three measurements! Here are the numbers: 269.2 lbs, water - 51.4%, fat - 38.6%. (My Isagenix link is in the upper right - call me!) This GOOD stuff works!

Keep walking!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thanks For Reminding Us, Thomas!

"If you aren't playing well, the game isn't as much fun. When that happens I tell myself just to go out and play as I did when I was a kid."

Thomas J Watson, Sr.

I found this quote at

Keep walking!

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Little Music For The Journey

Today I begin a search for music with lyrics that are encouraging for someone in the process or starting the process of losing weight or as some prefer to say, dropping pounds. I posted the lyrics to Delbert McClinton's "Givin' It Up For Your Love" on my Facebook profile and if you look up the posts from July 19, 2010, there it is. You can visit my Facebook profile by clicking on the title of this post.

Here's the video of the live version of "Givin' It Up For Your Love" on Austin City Limits.

Keep walking!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Did I Forget To Mention?

This morning the scale said 269.4 and that means I'm down 6.8 pounds in 6 days.  Ehhhxcellent!
Feeling very good on Isagenix Cleanse For Life while waiting in the heat for our Realtor - house hunting!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Still Moving Forward

This morning I stepped on the scale and got a positive outcome - 270.4, which means I'm down 5.8 lbs in 4 days!

I got a same-day(!) appointment with Dr. Duck to check on my infected toe and my troublesome knee. The good news for me was that none of this is related to gout. I got a better antibiotic and hopefully I won't have to have the toenail cut off, which I'm told is pretty painful.  I'm betting it's not as bad as gout. For the knee we are going to get an MRI, but we're pretty sure it's torn cartilage. We'll cross that decision bridge when we come to it.

This is the second time I've had this problem with my knee and a physician's assistant assumed it was gout last time. I had my doubts, but I'm not the doctor, right?

Because none of this is related to gout and I'm symptom-free right now, this means that so far Isagenix is fine if you have gout. It also means that I can lose weight faster than I expected without creating an imbalance that turns up the heat - so to speak - on the gout. No flare-ups!

Tonight I decided to have Trader Joe's plain yogurt with a banana (very thinly sliced) before a sweet potato. (There's a picture below to show that it looks pretty good!) I've also discovered I like sweet potatoes since I contracted gout and I found out they are good for combating it. Before I had gout I hadn't had sweet potatoes since not being able to keep them down as a kid.

We all have to be open to learning new things and reconsidering ideas that we might have tossed away long ago. You can get in better shape than you might believe right now. Instead of saying "None for me, thanks," you can say, "I'll eat this because of what it does for me."

Keep walking!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Isagenix IsaLean Chocolate Shake

When I was a kid I remember my mom getting me Instant Breakfast from Carnation, which was the first liquid meal I remember having. I liked the chocolate and probably liked all that sugar, too.

Now I believe a much better choice is Isagenix IsaLean Shake - Natural Creamy Chocolate flavor! I mixed it with room temperature water yesterday and it was pretty good. My wife pronounced it good, which is saying a lot considering she's a big chocolate fan. I've strayed from a regimen more than once because of giving in to some of her chocolate that she has lying around. (To be fair, I've found it when she has hidden it, too.)

Today I used cold water and 1/4 banana in our blender and it mixed up even creamier. I think the lower temperature enhances the flavor. I'm a big guy as you might have guessed since I call my blog "Big Man Walking". That was at 6:30 this morning and I've only had 3 cherries as a mini-snack and plenty of water since then. Most of us don't get enough water and it's important that we do. I find that I like the taste of cold water better than room temperature and I've started to keep a container in the refrigerator as a way to make the experience more pleasant and even practical on a hot July day.

Below are some quotes I found at to motivate and inspire you and me on this journey.

Keep walking!

“The longest journey starts with a single step.”

“The longest journey a man must take is the eighteen inches from his head to his heart.”

“The longest journey of any person is the journey inward.”
Dag Hammarskjold

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Nice Surprise On The Scale This Morning

When I got on the scale this morning I really didn't expect much as it had only been a little less than 48 hours since I started using Isagenix. I was surprised to see my weight at 271.6. If you read previous posts you know that means I lost 4.6 lbs in 2 days without a flare-up in gout pain.

That last part is the most important factor to me. Sometimes losing weight too fast can cause an imbalance that just "revs up" that pain and once you've experienced full-blown gout you want to avoid that at all costs. I've told Sue Landis and others that gout is a great behavior modifier!

My other numbers improved, too - fat 39.3% (lower) and water 50.8% (higher). I am expecting good things from continuing to use Isagenix products.

Have I taken anything else so far? I've taken a couple of vitamin complexes I had left over, but I don't think that's contributed to weight loss. I also take Gout Control, which is basically herbs. Again, it's not really for weight loss, but for helping your body get rid of uric acid.

I didn't have a deli sandwich today, but I did have turmeric chicken with onions for dinner and a banana and a third with plain yogurt and some cherries for dessert. Brunch was 2 cups of Trader Joe's Organic Brown Rice.

What will tomorrow bring?

Keep walking!

Pictures Of Me - Lookout!

I figured I better get these pictures up before I lose more weight!  Today is July 14, 2010 and my wife just took these in our home.  I don't know if they usually use a sideview, too.  Is that for mugshots?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Have The ATC At Sub-Marina

After getting a haircut earlier, my wife and I went to Sub-Marina in San Marcos for lunch. We split a 12 inch ATC (Avocado, Turkey, & Cheese) on wheat. They have an italian dressing that they pour (at your option) on the sandwich and they really have it down. There's usually three to five people making your sandwich and they are like a machine.

But the best part is the taste. I absolutely love their sandwiches. My wife and I are split. She prefers Tina's Deli, where we ate yesterday and I absolutely love Sub-Marina. We've been going there for almost 10 years, while my wife and other teachers she works with will go to Tina's because it's near their school. My son is with me and he often likes the specials that Sub-Marina posts on the door.

This Sub-Marina pre-dates the Submarina chain and that's why they get to keep their name. I'll take the chain sandwich in a pinch, but I'll always choose this little place if given a choice.

I just posted a link for Sub-Marina to Foursquare and you can click below or on the title of today's post to get there.

The Original Sub-Marina in San Marcos, CA

Did I mention that I love their sandwiches?

Keep walking!

I Slept 6 Hours Straight!

For many of you, 6 hours may be no big deal. For some of us, we don't know the last time we slept 6 hours without interruption. I don't mean that it NEVER happens, but for me...sleeping that long without waking up has happened MAYBE 4 or 5 times in the last year.

Right now I'm happy with my Isagenix shake and cleanse. I am sure that different people react differently and maybe most don't feel the positive impact to their sleep on the very first night, but that's my result so far.

Yesterday I got my first shipment and weighed myself before I consumed anything. My scale also measures body fat and water. I weighed 276.2 lbs. and body fat was 39.9%, while water was 50.3%.

After going to see Despicable Me with my honey, we went to one of her favorite delis, Tina's Deli for a sandwich. I had turkey and avocado on rye with extra lettuce and she had egg salad. She says that sometimes her teacher colleagues all put in one order and after seeing her enjoy the egg salad, some of them have joined her and now the egg salad sandwiches make up a big percentage of the group's order. She gave me a bite of hers and it was good. I also ate both pickles. These are good deli sandwiches. I thought mine was a little dry, but I didn't want more mayo on it, so that's kind of what I expected - quality ingredients, though.

My expectation was that I would feel a little better today and that I hoped to "break even" on weight. Sleeping straight through so long is a bonus. Another bonus is actually losing weight!

This morning all my numbers improved - weight 274.6 (down 1.6), fat 39.7 (down .2) and water 50.5 (up .2). Plus, my knee feels a little better. I have assumed that the less-than-normal flexibility in my knee is gout as that's what the doctor said it was last time.

The other day I had my last coffee for a while and then the next day had green tea from Trader Joe's which has caffeine, but not as much. So I've been on caffeine withdrawal for a couple days and felt achy and tired when Marianne and I got home yesterday. I laid down for a couple hours and got up about quarter to five still not feeling my best.

This morning I definitely feel better than yesterday and Sunday and I suspect that has a lot to do with the Isagenix Cleanse For Life, which I drank yesterday morning, last night and again this morning. I've also had several cups of Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice Tea, which is herbal without caffeine. In my opinion, it helps to have something that you can enjoy regularly that's your favorite (in my case, tea) when you embark on a journey to better health.

I'm really glad that Sue Landis got back in touch with me to tell me about this. I thought this morning that she's like my business angel and my wife is my home angel. I even found some music by Tavares that fit my mood later when singing in the shower. You can check out the video on one of my Facebook groups - My Unexpected Song Selection. It's the video selected on today's date - 7/13/10.

I hope you're sleeping as well as you would like. If not, contact me.

Keep walking!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Marianne & I are getting my last Bolivian Organic for a good long while. No coffee tomorrow, Sue :-)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Joined The Team of Sue, Mary Kay And Rocky

Sometimes you aren't looking for something and it finds you anyway. A few months ago I started my adventure with gout and I have been surprised by some of the things I've been finding out.

Less meat or chicken works out ok so far. Years on and off Atkins had me thinking how much of a carnivore I am. But we can change. Some days I don't even have meat or chicken or fish.

I had forgotten how much I like smoothies. When you make them at home you can add Stevia instead of sugar and still make them sweeter if that's how you like them.

An old friend and former Toastmaster got back in contact with me and told me about Isagenix and she is sensitive to my individual needs with regard to gout and doesn't try to make me fit into a one-size-fits-all regimen. She's also kind as well as smart and her mentors seems the same way. So I joined the team of Sue, Mary Kay & Rocky and now I start my Isagenix adventure. Here's my new site!

Keep walking!
My dog, Mellow, and I are out for our early morning walk. :-)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Excellent call with Sue Landis & Rocky earlier today! Isagenix here I come! Looking forward to more permanent help with gout.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sittin' on the bench at the point waitin' for my baby's return - Dana Point - where's the Catalina Express? :-)
Old California Coffee House - Topher on duty - rain In July! Honey says monsoon coming - can that be right? :-)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day Rap From JibJab

This is quite the little rap. Very clever.

Happy Independence Day!

Thank you, Thomas Jefferson!

(& there's still John Adams on HBO)
Happy Independence Day 2010! :-)
Walking our dog, Mellow, down by the 2nd pool in the Neighborhood - take a break, Mellow :-)
Topher - looks like I accidentally posted when I got up to tell him about my toy that let's me do this - as long as I take my glasses off :-)
Time for Bolivian Organic @ Old California Coffee House again. On duty this morning -

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Brand New Blog For Networking

If you aren't part of The Special Purpose Club on Facebook,
you are missing out on a powerful networking opportunity.

If you haven't reached at least Level Two in The SPC, you
are really missing out on serious networking at the Purpose Networking blog.

Click on the title of this post to visit The Special Purpose Club on Facebook.
Moment of truth I guess - will this show up at or here or both?
@ Poinsettia & Aviara Community Park where Stuart & Keaton used to play soccer - more walking!
The woman at Fry's signed through the door that they open at 9 - I think.
Cesar just took my order @ Old California Coffee House in San Marcos on Restaurant Row - time for a little walk
This is my first post from my phone! Free cultures get what they celebrate. Dean Kamen

Friday, July 2, 2010

Motivational Tool For Walking

A couple weeks ago my wife, Marianne, and I went kayaking in Dana Point and I forgot how I used to get into the kayak when we went a few times last summer and fall. I ended up falling in and there was swelling and bruising of my leg as well as whatever's in the water possibly getting into my toe through the ingrown toenail.

The pedometer got wet, too.

So... I'm on antibiotics and the toe is looking better. Next step is getting a new pedometer. I found a good one at Fry's before and I'll return there today for a new one to be ready for the long walk tomorrow(?).

If you're like me you find the mileage or step count on the pedometer motivating.

Keep Walking!

Join my networking group at Facebook - The Special Purpose Club - by clicking on the title of this post.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Met Musical Jessica Fore On Facebook

Yesterday I commented on something Alan Hirsch had to say on Facebook and soon I liked what someone else had to say and that led to Jessica Fore and I messaging. Then I found out she's a musician who shares her faith experience.

I love all the things you can do more easily because of Facebook. I have included a hidden link to one of Jessica's songs which you can visit by clicking on the title of this post or you can click on this tinyurl I made

Click for more about Jessica Fore

Keep walking!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jacuzzi-ing With My Honey

Marianne and I took a little break earlier to enjoy the jacuzzi. It looks like my gout is under control and the medication I'm taking for my infected ingrown toenail is starting to take hold. Hopefully I'll be taking long walks soon. I just wish that a doctor before Dr. Duck (real name) figured out that the left big toe wasn't gout, but an infection. Nobodies perfect, but Dr. Duck was the fourth one I told about it. My honey says the jacuzzi doesn't qualify as soaking my toe, so epsom salts are up next! LOL

Keep Walking!

Join my networking group at Facebook - The Special Purpose Club - by clicking on the title of this post.

Friday, April 30, 2010


I've got gout. Details to follow.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What Are You Searching For?

In earlier posts I have mentioned Jordan Rubin's Chicken Soup and for some reason I had never Googled this phrase before:
Jordan Rubin Chicken Soup Recipe

When I searched that phrase I found a treasure trove of recipes at an official Jordan Rubin site. Jordan Rubin's company is Garden of Life and you can also follow them on Facebook. In addition to walking and other exercise you might find some great recipes and learn that food that's truly good for you can also be yummy. You might just change some habits for the better. When I was at Costco earlier I got a package of organic snack bars from Bora Bora. Crunchy, healthy energy!

During January and February I walked* 167.5 miles.

Keep walking!

Join me on Facebook by clicking here or on the title of this post.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Simply Get Up And Go!

Some things are simple. That's not the same thing as easy. I walked in the rain just a little this morning. This year has seen more frequent rain that we're used to in San Diego County. I had to adjust and expect that sometimes I'm going to get a little way from home and get rained on. The dog doesn't mind much. When my wife and son have the cars it's either walk outside or walk around and around in our home, so I chose to get a little wet. Mellow and I did 1.25 miles before 10 a.m. and I'll do more with or without him.

How can we NOT give extra effort when we see other people with greater obstacles?

I started a networking group called The Special Purpose Club on Facebook and this morning I posted about Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah and his journey. You can Google him and find out about Emmanuel and Oprah and Emmanuel and the ESPY award and you can visit my networking club where I shared a little about his desire to ship 350 more bicycles to Ghana. If you're curious, that is.

Keep walking!

Click the link below to visit The Special Purpose Club and become a Fan and read about Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just Get Up & Do It...I Did!

How easy is that? I just decided to take a break and I know the dog appreciated it. I walked a mile and now I'm back. I know you can do it, too!

I'm taking Diet 360 and RAW ONE for Men from Garden of Life, who sponsors my blog, and I'm feeling better every week. I slept all the way through the night for the first time in weeks last night.

Time For A Walk!

Are you sitting at your computer? Me, too!
Time for a walk!

Keep walking!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My New Deal

There have been a lot of changes around here recently. The house in San Diego that my wife and her sister have been trying to sell for 3 years finally sold a couple weeks ago. Yay! Marianne and I have been looking at houses in North County and the 250K to 350K price range has been heating up, especially relative to the 500K and up range. I couldn't change her mind about a house at the corner of Esperanza and Bliss (Hope & Bliss!) in Oceanside, but when the listing agent came back from vacation we heard there were already ten offers! So we start again tomorrow with our agent, David Diehl.

Friday afternoon I received my products from Garden of Life, so this is a disclaimer about BigManWalking. Garden of Life is now sponsoring my blog! I'll tell a little more about the two products, Diet 360 and RAW ONE for Men in a future post. You can click on the title of this post to see another product that my wife has been using for a while. It slipped my attention that Goatein was even a Garden of Life product. Our son really likes natural smoothies and we usually mix Trader Joe's European style yogurt with Goatein, bananas and frozen berries. He enjoys this at least two or three times a week and so do I if I'm not doing a high protein/low carb regimen.

Since I weighed myself Saturday morning I found that I had gained back over 9 lbs. of the 14 I lost. Be careful of the days leading up to the Super Bowl ("Well, I know I won't be good tomorrow, so I'll start early."), the day of the Super Bowl party and the days after ("I can get back in the swing tomorrow..."), chocolate and really rainy days. I was definitely not prepared for the amount of rain we had. More than once I said something like, "Honey, it's coming down in buckets. Let's not drive all the way to the YMCA in this mess." We're finally back to more typical San Diego weather as I was actually sweating during a simple mile walk earlier.

Today I started "writing" using Philips VoiceTracker while I walked. That should be a big help in walking more. My hope is that I won't affect the technology with perspiration. That, and encouragement from friends on Facebook & Twitter, is about where it's at.

During January I walked* 111.5 miles and I have walked* 142.25 miles in 2010.

Follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

Visit My Birthday Wish On Facebook

Twitter Profile

Keep walking!

Friday, January 29, 2010

14 Pounds, 9 Days And The Garden Of Life

Yesterday morning I awoke to find that I had lost a total of 14 pounds in 9 days and today I had eaten breakfast and filled up some so no weigh-in. Still, 14 pounds in 9 days is pretty darn good. One thing I neglected to mention before about Jordan Rubin's cleanse is no caffeine. I recommend this cleanse highly. This is the third time my wife and I did the cleanse and in my experience it gets easier every time.

Then on Facebook I received a message from the Garden Of Life!


Subject: Garden of Life

Hi Charles-

I couldn't find a link to get a contact e-mail for you so I wanted to touch base here if you don't mind. I work for Garden of Life and we came across your blog post that mentioned you losing 11 pounds partially due to doing Jordan's cleanse.

We would LOVE to sponsor you in any way! Please contact me via e-mail directly at and we can get this started!

Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you! And don't forget to become a fan of our FB page!

Have a great weekend-
Ursula Zamora
Garden of Life
Media & Public Relations


I became a fan of Garden of Life on Facebook and we'll see how things develop next week.

Keep walking!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Down 11 Pounds In 7 Days!

If you're reading this in January you'll notice in the upper right a graphic for the World Blogger Championship Of Online Poker(WBCOOP). If you have a blog over two months old, you can ask Pokerstars to give you a ticket that gets you into several tournaments for free. Since a free Pokerstars tournament is how Marianne and I got to go to the Bahamas last year, I had to say yes.

After getting the start time wrong on the first day I just finished 15th in a field of 1634 players and that got me a ticket to another tournament. I won't go into a big explanation as I'm a little tired from over 5 hours of playing and I'm frustrated that I didn't win or even reach the final nine. So, about my weight loss...

Actually, I've lost the weight mostly because of being on Jordan Rubin's cleanse, but not completely. I did lose 9 pounds in 6 days and then I got a little pain that my wife thought might be early appendicitis. Yesterday I was enjoying some yogurt with honey - finally! Then I saw Dr. Duck (his real name) at 11:00 and he had the lab draw some blood. Just in case he told me to stick to a clear liquid diet and I decided to stick with chicken broth and tea, which is even more strict than Jordan Rubin's cleanse.

Today he called to say it wasn't appencitis and now I'm back to the early stage of the cleanse. You can read the previous couple of posts for more details and click on the title of this post for more information on Jordan Rubin's diet. If I can do this, so can you.

I have walked* 95.5 miles in 2010.

Keep walking!