While waiting for bagels at Panera I started talking with the tall, slender lady with the big "rock" on her left hand and I got around to mentioning how far I've walked since the turn of the new year. Are you ready? I have now walked 250 miles!
She asked me how I knew and I told her that I used a pedometer to keep track and that I record my progress online at my Big Man Walking blog. I want to take a moment to remind you how important it is to keep track if you want to stay motivated. Because I can visit this blog and my "mileage" on my Lime.com Walkout page, I can check back if I ever have doubts like "Did I really do it?" or "Did I really walk that much?" Because I'm using a pedometer I know I am about as close to completely accurate as I can get. I find the milestones like 250 miles are very motivating. Some might say that it's only a number, but I know I'm a quarter of the way to ONE THOUSAND MILES! If I simply keep up the current pace (and I expect to pick up the pace), I will cross the THOUSAND mile mark sometime in late June. Unless you're quite an athlete, these numbers are at least a little bit exciting.
I am walking. You can walk. Please walk today. No matter what.
(Use a pedometer. Record your results.)
Starting today I'll include motivational, inspirational and encouraging quotes in this space...
“Correction does much, but encouragement does more.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote from ThinkExist.com
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