Incredible Events.
How many hurt or killed in Haiti?
I expected to share how things are going for me in 2010 and now I definitely have to say that things are fantastic when compared with what people are going through in Haiti right now.
Whatever your orientation, please send out your thoughts and prayers for the people of Haiti and all the rescue workers, medical personnel and anyone who is helping this poor country. If you can't help directly, send what money you can.
As for me, I am exactly where I was weight-wise on the morning of December 31, 2009. But, I feel good as I've been doing lots of time on the elliptical trainer at the YMCA.
This weekend I'll be away and give more detail when I get back.
I've found the U2 song, "40", to be helpful right now. Click the link below or on the title of this post to hear their version of Psalm 40.
U2's 40
So far I have walked* 79.5 miles in 2010.
Keep walking!