Facebook friends are nice to have, especially when you develop the relationship by connecting in person or on the phone. Yesterday I finally got to talk to Valerie Rene Sheppard after being connected on Facebook for a little while. She is an encouraging person with a lot of experience coaching. I would check her out if I were you.
Connecting with someone like Valerie isn't just "nice", it's productive. I commented on her Facebook profile and she reminded me that she and others are waiting to hear about my weight loss progress. If you want to find out HOW I'm doing it, you can read previous posts (not necessarily yesterday's).
Here are some facts:
-My scale read 254.0 this morning versus 276.2 when I started 29 days ago.
-I've only been hungry twice and neither of those times have rated more than a
5 out 10 on my hungriness (dictionary, please!) scale. Once was when we had
done a lot of walking with a friend at SDSU and the time between breakfast and
lunch was nearly 7 hours with only a mini-mini snack in between (3 cherries).
-I gave up coffee more than a month ago and I'm not tired!
-I conquered what I call a level two gout warning last week when we were
celebrating (too much - skip the pulled pork, pita chips and what do you call
those things...cream puffs, riiiight) with that friend and his family before
he went back to Michigan to profess about Sociology.
-I have better sleep overall except when I'm awake and excited about being
so close to a weight that I haven't seen in at least 14 years.
-My body fat read 35.1% and that's a big improvement over the 40% area I was
at when I started less than a month ago.
Woot! There it is!
Keep walking!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
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