Here's to hope. Somewhere on our planet there is always violence. It is also true that there is always a refuge from violence somewhere on our planet. I hope we can start anew on this Thanksgiving Day + 1. Below are some Tweets from just before we left for Thanksgiving in Idyllwild, CA. One education-related place of note here is AstroCamp. Our son got a great deal a few years ago through the homeschool program we were involved in. He had a very positive experience and that led to our nephew attending. Despite the sometimes funky linkage on the site I recommend the AstroCamp experience, especially if you can get a special group rate.
As for the Tweets below, they are from Twitter. If you don't know Twitter, you really should join. Don't worry if you don't understand it right away. I have met some great people and my blog traffic has grown. Also, sending messages through Twitter can help you craft shorter messages. Lastly, the Tweets are in reverse order. Enjoy...and keep walking!
@OroroDC Just added your blog to my blog list on my blog - how many times can I say blog after midnight? :-) 10 minutes ago from web in reply to OroroDC
@OroroDC Excellent! Let's all keep encouraging each other to walk a bit more... Add 600 steps to your day? = approx 120 miles/3 lbs a year! 12 minutes ago from web in reply to OroroDC
Walk for better health no matter what size you are. Read this blog for encouragement in reaching your goals. Can you walk? Keep walking! 22 minutes ago from web
Thanks to the discipline of Twitter, I just condensed my blog headline a little - Thanks, Twitter. Thanks, Tweets. Have a great weekend! 24 minutes ago from web
#Happy Thanksgiving -Twttr glitches in Idyllwild -been smoothing out blog -be among first followers http://theBigManWalking.blo... :-) 35 minutes ago from web
#Happy Thanksgiving all frm Idyllwild, CA.Twitter is uncooperative here. Back 2 the turkey, pancakes, sausage, eggs, pie, etc... cocoon :-) about 11 hours ago from web
#Happy Thanksgiving @wbaustin @Eva_Abreu @missvibrant I'm Blog of the Day on Thanksgiving! Cool! Thanks, Bill! about 15 hours ago from web
#Thanksgiving - HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL! I may be cocooned in Idylwild or maybe I'll check in. Enjoy! Happy eating! Blessings to you all!