Monday, August 23, 2010

What DID I Eat On Saturday?

This post is to finish up my five day record of what I ate while using Isagenix. I know virtually anyone can do this. What I say is "It doesn't take willpower because I'm rarely, if ever, hungry!"

Saturday was a bit of a test because I was away from home up in L.A. at the Ultimate Success Tour and everyone was eating lunch together. For breakfast I had 4 ounces Isagenix Cleanse For Life and right before I left I had 1 ounce Ionix Supreme. I had 4 Isagenix Snacks! at various times during the day. I took Cleanse For Life with me an packed it in ice.

In the future I definitely want to get one container of Cleanse For Life powder and I'm pretty sure that will be easier on the road. I had two more 4 ounce servings of Cleanse For Life at approximately 5 hour intervals and I had some herbal tea at lunch time with one of the Snacks! and plenty of water throughout the day. When I arrived back at home around 9:30 I had my last 4 ounces of Cleanse For Life and about an hour later I had my last ounce of Ionix Supreme with two Natural Accelerator capsules. My ultimate results were in yesterday's post.

We had a fantastic time at Isagenix Celebration today. Details tomorrow!

Keep walking!
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