Anyone who has read my blog a while knows that I like Jordan Rubin's cleanse and right now my wife, Marianne, and I are in (not quite) the middle of it. You can click on the title of this post or scroll down to read about our start.
If you are wondering about the impact of exercise, don't. Days before the start of the cleanse I burned 977 calories in 65 minutes on the elliptical trainer at the Y and haven't done much beyond a nearly 4 mile walk in Big Bear over the weekend. Because of the rain over the last three days I haven't gotten much exercise in - walking or otherwise.
When I started 3 days ago the scale read 123.6 which means I have lost 2.9 kilos because this morning it read 120.7 kilos. You multiply by 2.2 to get pounds so that equals 6.38 lbs. By the way, you can do this cleanse. All you have to do is get over any impulse you might have to say, "How many times do I eat chicken soup?"
While I didn't purposely set out to not exercise much over the last week, one thing led to another. A busy day Thursday before I gave blood meant at least two days off since the San Diego Blood Bank admonishes you to not workout for 24 hours after donating. They found that I have iron-rich blood and hooked me up to give a double donation of red cells. I'll go back in 16 weeks.
Before my 24 hours were up I was driving us up to Big Bear and it was dark and cold when we arrived. We got our stuff inside and then ran around outside turning stuff on (like water and heat). After getting instructions over the phone from our friends ( which led me UNDER the cabin) I found myself alone putting the last tool in the stand-alone garage on this cold, dark night and successfully fought off the sensation/ambiance in the garage of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie or as our son perhaps more accurately suggested, The Strangers, and then I semi-hurried back inside. Soon I found myself waking up from a 3 hour nap and joining all those who had arrived while I slumbered. With 9 people in the cabin I forgot all about the little bit of creepiness I had imagined earlier and sure enough, the neighborhood looked like a friendly mountain getaway in the pristine light of the morning.
More next time...
Keep walking!
Friday, January 22, 2010
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