My wife and I have been on the Perfect Weight America cleanse since Sunday morning last. We did this during the summer and now we know we can do it because we've already done it once. Somebody on Twitter said he tried something like this once and it was too hard on him physically. Yes, I did have a good headache for two days at the start, but it's just a headache. Because this is a cleanse you are getting rid of toxins that your body has stored up and in my case, going through caffeine withdrawal. You can do it and you feel better and more energetic the further into it you get. Don't give yourself messages like, "I could never do that." Give yourself messages like (and I know this is hard to hear for some), "I choose the pain of discipline over the pain of regret." Marianne has lost about 7 pounds and when I got on the scale this morning it read 114.6 kilos. I started at 119.6 so the math is pretty easy - 5 kilos times 2.2 equals 11 pounds. I am down 11 pounds in six days and I'm using a HEALTHY method!
Keep walking.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
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