Yesterday I had some challenges with pain in the middle of my back and I don't really know if it was related to the cleanse that my wife and I are on. We did this same cleanse during the summer and I had no problems. I ended up taking an Alleve in the morning and again in the evening and last night I had trouble getting to sleep which is not typical for me unless I'm excited about something. After using the jacuzzi a couple times and both my wife and me massaging the middle of my back, it seems to be much less of a challenge today. Marianne and I went to San Diego this morning and I watered the front while she watered the back of the house we are attempting to sell. I had only small twinges every once in a while compared to the howls yesterday afternoon as the Alleve wore off. Some of you may be wondering, "Why is he telling us all this?" I don't know if the cleanse has left me without enough calcium or magnesium or what have you, but we picked up a supplement this morning. I think if that is what's happening then it is in combination with the possibility that (as much as I don't want to share this...) I haven't walked enough recently. So this is full disclosure for those of you who are thinking about doing this cleanse. To be fair, however, I don't really know the exact cause of the back situation as it just came out of the blue. Maybe I've been sitting in this chair too long.
This morning the scale said 114.4 kilos, which is .2 kilos or .44 pounds less than yesterday and that brings my grand total after 7 days on the Perfect Weight America cleanse to MINUS 11.44 pounds!
Keep Walking!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
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