Monday, January 21, 2008

Walking As A Value

I arrived at Rubio's in Mira Mesa a little early and while I was waiting I walked up and down the food court. I used to be bugged a little (or more than a little) when I had to wait. I remember when I was in life insurance almost ten years ago I told a coworker that I almost left for an appointment without him when he was eight minutes late. While he did have a tendency to overschedule so as to value his time over the client's, I did not realize then how out of balance I was.

I was meeting a church friend for noon lunch to introduce him to the Fiesta Salad because it's such a good fit for the South Beach diet that he's on to improve his triglycerides. Because I am paying attention to when and where I can walk (almost anywhere) I noticed that I could simply get some walking in while I waited. I value walking. I hope you do, too. Even those of you who get so much other exercise can benefit by walking while you wait. A fair skinned animated beauty once sang "Whistle while you work," but I say "Walk while you wait". My pedometer said I walked 1/2 mile right before lunch at Rubio's. When you value walking, you won't see all the waiting time as wasted and maybe, like me, you'll find yourself in a good enough mood that you'll be more gracious than I was when I was in life insurance.

Now the dog is waiting...

I am walking. You can walk. Please walk today. No matter what.


I googled Big Man Walking and found that my recent post came up in 13th position. Click on the title of this post to see that search result for Big Man Walking.