I Googled Christine Burke and found that there are a number of Christine Burkes, including one who was in a Twilight Zone episode in 1963. MY Christine Burke can be more easily found by Googling "Christine Burke fitness". So, if for some reason you can't Google right now and you have no pen, pencil, stone tablet, etc..., you can keep thinking "Christine Burke fitness, Christine Burke fitness, Christine Burke fitness" over and over until you get somewhere to write it down or key it in. Of course, that's really aimed at those of you who live within whatever distance you consider reasonable from Carlsbad. (Though I'm sure if you want to fly in or take the train, Christine would be ok with that.) I did see the first two entries for FTNorthCounty.com when I Googled, but I was surprised to find my blog entry from last Friday in third place for that search! The heading looked like this:
Big Man Walking: Christine Burke on goals
Sometimes I really love the coolness of the internet.
This morning I visited MY Christine Burke at Fitness Together in La Costa, which is a community in the city of Carlsbad, California. Fitness Together's motto is emblazoned on the Body Fat Analysis form Christine filled out for me and that motto is:
1 Client 1 Trainer 1 Goal
She weighed me and on her scale I weigh 276 pounds.
My body fat percentage is 33.9 and that's pretty high. 33.9% body fat puts me into the obese category, which starts at just over 25% body fat. Average body fat is from 18-25% and Optimal Fitness is 13-18% body fat. My BMI or Body Mass Index is 35.4 and the obesity category of the BMI starts at 30. Overweight BMI is 25-29.9 and Normal Weight is 18.5-24.9. Whether you're looking at body fat or BMI, I'm in the obese category and that is a wake up call. If you are in similar shape, one reason I'm blogging is to encourage you that you can get to a more desirable size and weight. If you're better off than I am right now, that's great. I encourage all of you who can walk to walk and walk more frequently.
I'll go over more in the next post. Right now I'm going down to Movin Shoes, which is one of the stores recommended by Christine Burke. I Googled and found a review of Movin Shoes. Their website is MovinShoes.com.
Click on the title of this post and automatically be transported to the Google search "Christine Burke fitness".
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