Monday, May 11, 2009

Hippy Dippy Do At Peet's

This morning I walked 2.5 miles before 9:30 at Peet's Coffee. I had my Ipod Nano that my sweet wife got me for my 46th birthday and had a great time listening to Rocket From The Crypt's Hippy Dippy Do and The Smithereen's outstanding version of I Saw Her Standing There, among others.

I was inspired as my blood got pumping. I googled this saying, so you can say you "heard" it here first:

Why MARCH to the beat of a different drummer when you can skip?

Or Walk? Or Run? Or Rock?

I'm sure there's a bunch of them!

Keep walking!

Walking directions from Palomar Airport Road & Melrose Drive in Carlsbad, CA are below.

Walking directions to Peet's Coffee & Tea Inc
(760) 448-1835
0.8 mi – about 16 mins

Palomar Airport Rd & Melrose Dr, Carlsbad, San Diego, California 92009

1. Head west on Palomar Airport Rd toward Melrose Dr
0.4 mi

2. Turn left at El Fuerte St
0.1 mi

3. Turn right at Gateway Rd
0.2 mi

Peet's Coffee & Tea Inc
2641 Gateway Rd
Carlsbad, CA 92009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Relay For Life

Marianne and I are just about to leave for the Relay For Life. We will walk for two hours to help fight cancer at Cal State San Marcos. You can read more or donate by clicking here. Have a great rest of the weekend!

Keep walking!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Phone Order & Walking

I had a phone appointment at 8:30 this morning with Stacey Smith-Bacon and we called Waiora and ordered my product. I'll let you know when the shipment comes in. Stacey and I have known each other for several years in our local Toastmasters group, Expressions Unlimited, and I'm glad we can finally connect as a business team. We are both past presidents of our Toastmasters club and know each other better than most people you meet in a social setting. I consider Stacey my friend and so when she told me about Waiora I was ready to listen, though I have seen my share of home-based business opportunities. For me, this is good timing as I'm ready to use Natural Cellular Defense to reduce heavy metals in my body.

In recent years I've been reading more about prevention when it comes to cleaning up the environment and our bodies. However, I seem to have missed out on how to do a more effective job cleaning out what is already in my body. Yes, I have done Jordan Rubin's cleanse twice in the last year, but I was not aware that there was a more complete way to clean your body. Also, I'm not sure how many people are ready to do a 10 day cleanse. Are you?

Stacey and I will continue to learn more about this process and I'll keep you updated. There are different strategies for achieving better health. This one makes sense to me and I'm glad I'll be able to do a better job at something I had overlooked previously. Watch and learn here:

Those of you who have been reading my blog have noticed that I haven't been posting as much lately. I haven't been walking as much until the last few days, but I'm back on the wagon! I walked a quick mile after getting off the phone with Stacey and tomorrow my wife, Marianne and I will be walking a couple hours for charity.

Recently decided that nearly every time I go out for a quick walk, I will be walking at least 1/2 mile. Yesterday I did three miles more than I would have done by walking a half mile 6 times when I had 10 minutes or so to spare. My goal is to beat that today.

Keep walking!

Stacey Will Call Soon!

I'm excited about a new opportunity to increase my health and fatten my wallet. My Toastmaster friend Stacey just got me involved in Waiora and I'm looking forward to getting bad stuff out of my body. We will all benefit by getting heavy metals out of our bodies. Check out this link!

More soon!

Keep walking!